ByMatt Taylor
There is so much misguided advice out there how to lose belly fat... no wonder so many people have failed at their fat loss efforts. And then there are those info-commercials and other fat loss ads that make all kinds of outlandish claims what their product is going to do for you...
But the truth of the matter is this... your body isn't a machine. It decides how to use the calories that YOU consume! So it is more about what you have been eating rather than how much you are eating... Also how you workout has a great deal in the battle to get rid of belly fat.
Smackaroo tip one) Focus on nutrition that will burn body fat instead of "diets" that actually work against your body while trying to lose that chubby tummy. If you want to get rid of belly fat once and for all... this is one of the best places to start. So throw everything you learned about low carb diets, low fat diets and any "fruit" or "Hollywood" diets in the trash can where they belong!
Every time you diet... you screw up your metabolism and blood sugar. You MAY lose weight at the beginning but then your biological genes kick in. Your body "thinks" you are starving and starts going into the survival mode... that's right... your body slows down it's metabolism. And one way to do that is to remove unneeded muscles... because muscles uses calories which the body isn't getting enough of anymore. And worst of all, your body is storing the fat... the belly fat... as a store of energy!
As a result... when you go longer into your diet... you actually become fatter rather than leaner. It is absolutely possible to be "skinny fat." And believe me you... that is extremely unhealthy and isn't what you want. You want toned muscles that look great on you AND a healthy lifestyle.
Understand this... our bodies were designed to absorb and use a balanced diet of good carbs, good sources of protein and good fats plus all those other stuff such as vitamins, minerals and so on. My point is this... if you go with one of those fat diets... you are actually harming yourself by restricting components that your body desperately needs to run itself as a well-oiled and greased efficient fat burning machine!
Smackaroo tip two) design a workout that burn body fat. And if you are doing tons of situps and stomach exercises... you need to stop it. They don't work very well because they are extremely inefficient way to increase your metabolism. And besides... crunches compress your spine and are unconstitutional...
Also... spot reduction exercises such as sit ups are a myth. It's true. You see, you don't actually need to develop your abs... they are a very thin layer of muscles underneath a much larger layer of blubber. What you REALLY need to do is burn your body fat down. It is virtually impossible to burn your belly fat without burning the fat around your butt, arms, chest and thighs. Your body doesn't work that way. When you burn body fat... it burns evenly -- all over your body.
Let me put it this way... have you EVER seen anyone with a six pack abs and flabby arms? I don't think so!
So design a fat burning workout for your large muscle groups. No more isolation crap! And working your muscles will stimulate your metabolism so that it will continue to burn hot... even hours later while watching the TV!
Here you got two of the several best tips how to lose belly fat. I can only cover so many in this article. You can find more fat loss strategies at the link below.
You will discover how a former skinny guy who through trial and error learned how to build muscle mass fast. He trained many younger guys just like himself and he sure will show you how to gain muscle too...
Click here how to => []Build Muscles Fast or even learn how to sculpt your body muscles like a fitness model!
Click here to discover the 1 insider secret for men and women to get a flat stomach. Go to => []Six Pack Abs and grab the free fat loss report.
Article Source: [] 2 Smackaroo Tips - How to Lose Belly Fat
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